Hematite Stone Properties
Astrology Taurus, Libra and Aries
Primary Chakra Root Chakra
Color: Smoked , Metallic Grey , Black and All Colors
Origin: Brazil, Canada, South America, China, England, Germany.
Accessibility: Widespread
Mineral Class: Oxide
Hardness: 4.5 -5 according to Mohs value
Vibration 5-6
Hematite stone got its name from the Greek word "haima" meaning blood. There are two reasons for this name. First, the outside of the stone is shiny black, but the inside has a deep red color. The other reason is that it contains almost 70% iron. This makes it a popular source of healing for blood disorders.
Its first use in prehistoric times was by the Pinnacle Point people 164,000 years ago. Pinnacle Point is known to have had the first modern lifestyle. During excavations, powdered minerals Show More